المقررات الدراسية المتاحة

We are not talking about large plans, rather simple story process, with five easy steps, that will help you convert an idea to business story. It’s easy to do and if you’re not doing something like it already, then this simple addition to your process will offer you substantial business improvement now and future: 

Step 1: Visualization Basics of your main story
Step 2: Identify your main assumptions
Step 3: Set your milestones and performance metrics
Step 4: Manage your business’s fund and cash
Step 5: Review, revise, repeat and scale

Get help and assistance in any subject in your school.

Obtenez de l'aide et soutien dans n'importe quelle matière de votre école.

Our main problem today, is the mass of information around us. 

  1. How do we live with those massive information, confusing but enriching our life?
  2. What are the basic habits we should adopt for our privacy, safety and openness?
  3. What could be the future where human is augmented with AI (Artificial Intelligence)
  4. What would be the centralized control and monopoly of government, institution with Blockchain nightmare?
  5. What will be the destiny of our Universe, earth and entire Cosmos with acceleration of particles & Quantum Computing Revolution?

We will not mess up nor confuse You? a Journey that You embark with us in practical world or Reality

Your GoReading in 4 Steps


The Alphabet, Pre-reading Alphabet, Alpha-Phonics, Listening and Rhyming


Blending, Splitting, Sentences, Words and Compound words


Syllables, Word Families, Beginning, Ending Sounds and Digraphs.


Connecting Sounds, Consonant Blends, Pre-Reading brush up and Beginning Reading

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